Saturday, September 7, 2024

Tibetan Miracle Seeds - Ideas

Tibetan Miracle Seeds are a new psychedelic rock band from Scotland, and the latest signing by upcoming UK psych record label Fuzzed Up & Astromoon Records. Their music leans heavily towards Anton Newcombe-ian psychedelica, so you better get your sitar and acoustic guitar ready before joining in with these soothing chants. There’s definitely some of that Brian Jonestown Massacre/Dandy Warhols fuzzy laziness going on here, but although Tibetan Miracle Seeds luckily also know how to write some ear worms for your brain to remember them by, they’ll never end up on top of the tops any time soon. Which is fine by them probably, let them emanate their incense heavy fumes from the periphery for a while. Their special edition vinyl records are long since gone, so I guess they have found their tribe. You know, those people who just know what a Tibetan Miracle Seed is, even without ever Googling it. Or an Inca Missile for that matter…that’s exactly the kind of tribe that will put these miracle seeds in their pipe and smoke it until they melted all their wellies.  Personally I would have liked the album to be a bit more varied, and the highlights for me are therefore the songs where TMS really kick it off with some extra added grit where they almost land in stoner rock territory. A song like Melted Welly for instance does this terrifically. Otherwise Inca Missiles is a pretty cool debut album with a consistent sound, some real tunes, and killer artwork. Psychheads know what to do.
I asked main man, singer/songwriter and guitarist Jack McAfee to introduce his band, and this is what he had to say:

Hi guys, how have you been these past two years of ominous dread?

Busy writing and recording lots of music! It has been a weird time but also not having anything to do has been a good incentive to make music. 

Can you tell us who you are, where you come from, and what you love most in the world?

A humble goat farmer from Dundee, Scotland. I love my goats more than anything.

Can you explain “Tibetan Miracle Seeds” and “Inca Missiles”? I have pictures in my head, but I’m sure they don’t come close to the truth!

The pictures in your head are closer to the truth than anything I could ever tell you.
These are our absolute heroes in life and music: George Harrison, Jimi Hendrix, Ken Kesey, George Carlin, Bill Hicks, Noam Chomsky

If your lives depended on it, which record would you be able to agree on as a band as the holy grail in music?

It’s not even my all time favourite record, but if aliens were to visit Earth and demanded we show them the greatest piece of music ever made, I’d give them The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd.

How did you determine your sound as a band? Was it a conscious decision or a natural one? And how does decision making go in general for TMS?

Really it’s determined by whatever bands and artists are currently being listened to. When you hear a song that makes you feel a certain way, and then asking the question, what is it about that song that made me love it so much, or moved me like it did? It could be a chord sequence, a particular instrument, the vocal performance, a cool riff – any element of the song that makes you feel something. Unexpected moments or changes really do something for me too.

What message would you like to convey as a band?

Save the bees.

What are your immediate- and future goals? What would be the ultimate achievement?

Immediate – play a gig. Future – go on tour. Ultimate – Make the greatest album of all time

What should the Weirdo Shrine readers do immediately after reading this?

Call your loved ones and tell them to listen to Tibetan Miracle Seeds. And read that book you’ve been meaning to read but haven’t made time for.
