Saturday, August 17, 2024

TivaTiva - Re-Call

My name is Daniel de Jesús and I am an artist who works within the disciplines of painting and music. For many years I have separated both worlds and have always wanted to have the opportunity to create something that married my two passions into one project; Interior Castles is that project. In the midst of working on our album The Mask, my TivaTiva band mates have been very gracious to shift their attentions and instead focus on Interior Castles so that we may turn what would have been a solo effort into a collaborative project. Interior Castles is inspired by the life and writings of Saint Teresa of Avila, a Carmelite nun whose great confession “The Life” saved her from the wrath of the church that believed her to be demon possessed. Saint Teresa as a historical subject has given artists over the centuries the opportunity to try to understand the experience of divine intervention and the powers that exist beyond the physical. It is my hope that others will find my work to be a bridge that makes the supernatural experience of Saint Teresa accessible. Her story is remarkable because in 16th century Spain the catholic order ruled every facet of society, yet for Teresa sensuality and spirituality were inextricably linked. It is difficult to see religion as anything good in our time when its institutions are associated with stories of political crime, sexual abuse, and prejudice. Even though Teresa’s story of faith is specifically Christian, her story does not concern the God of Sunday school readings and church sermons but the universal human desire to understand and experience that which is divine. I found when reading her biography a great passion to desire all things that are good and I invite anyone through Interior Castles to follow me on this journey. I am hoping you will be inspired by our passion for this work and join us in the collaborative effort to bring this project to fruition. We have many unique incentives available to our supporters and I look forward to sharing this work with you, and in turn, the world at large.  From: