Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Karovas Milkshake - Factory

Q. When did The Karovas Milkshake start, tell us about the history.

A: It began in Ekaterinburg, a city where Europe meets Asia, the future meets the past. It appears very symbolic to us. First thought of the Karovas Milkshake came about when Albert and I walked out of a music bar where a band played fake rock’n’roll. We just couldn’t bear it! That evening we decided to create a band with wild live sound that would sweep all that humbug away. Besides nobody played 60’s garage in the surroundings. We listened to heaps of records thinking that all these great 60’s unknowns have been long buried and their great songs forgotten. There was a strong desire to bring it all back and share with our local music lovers. Around the same time we went to a cinema club where ‘A Clockwork Orange’ by Stanley Kubrick was shown. That’s where we picked our name from. We looked for something simple and recognizable that would reflect our tastes both in literature and gastronomy. In a while we were joined by Nick the Kick and Shasha which added more complexity and psyche to our music, but the basic 60’s garage energy remains as a stem.

Q: Who are your influences?

A: Our main heroes are bands and signers who emerged in the 50’s and the 60’s on both sides of the Atlantic, when emotions were fresh, true and genuine, one had no second chance and music just sounded cool.

Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…

1. Pink Floyd – The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
2. Grateful Dead – Workingman’s Dead
3. Captain Beefheart – Safe as Milk
4. Rolling Stones – Sticky Fingers
5. Doors – L.A.Woman

Q. How do you feel playing live?

You feel excited before playing live. And once you’re on stage it can be different, sometimes it feels at home and at times it feels as if you were thrown into an abyss, and that feeling can vary within one concert or even one song. Playing live is much like living – you are searching for the right way.

Q. How do you describe The Karovas Milkshake sounds?

It comes out thick and dense, no matter how we try to play quiet. It can be gentle at times, but mainly it is wild!

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs?

Recording is part of our music-making process. We came to a conclusion that our music sounds best on tape and since then we record ourselves on a tape recorder. We experiment with natural sound and different microphones quite a lot. Recording process can be full of fun and curiosity.

Q. Which new bands do you recommended?

A: We like the music by the Jaguar (tribal Bo-Diddley beats), the Madcaps (barretesque psyche) both from France and we recommend you our friends ‘The Thunderbeats’ (Moscow’s rhythm’n’blues and freakbeat), ‘The Traulers’ (eco-country from Ekaterinburg) and ‘Anton Ripatti & Sabaka Babaka Band’ (chanson, blues).

Q: Which band would you love to make a cover version of?

The Sonics (and we already have!)

Q: What´s the plans for future?

We plan to release our first LP ‘In the shade of the Purple Sun’ in sunny Portugal this September and would love to go on a tour, after which it would be fine to record our new songs.

Q: Any parting words?

Pick good music that gives inspiration. Play it with all your heart. Thanks!
