Sunday, June 16, 2024

Vibravoid - Wake Up Before You Die

Every single note has the effect of LSD and Vibravoid bring LSD to all their shows – LSD, that’s a Lightshow Society Düsseldorf, who project a unique and mind blowing illumination that gives an enlightening impression of how the 1960s had been.
Once again, a description that makes me grin and which I therefore had to quote... And I realise that I have known Vibravoid's music on record for years, but somehow I haven't managed to see them live yet. Well, that's where I come from with the new CD that I have, which is also available on LP (sometimes as splatter vinyl), in some versions with four live bonus tracks. It is called "Wake Up Before You Die", which could well be relevant to today. On the back cover is "Make Love Not War", a saying that became popular in 1967 during the hippie era as a statement against the Vietnam War and whose message is still relevant today. Maybe even more relevant than ever. When reading/hearing what feels like more and more reports of terror, rampages and other unpeaceful things, combined with hate postings on social networks, sometimes the desire for peace arises, for a harmless, innocent world that is simply colorful and playful. In the 60s, one of the most critical phases of the Cold War, psychedelic rock was one option as an alternative to the fear of a world war caused by the Cuban missile crisis. For a trip back to the 60s, there is Vibravoid, who manage to transport psychedelic sounds from that time into the present. It is retro and modern at the same time, poppy and spacey somehow, contemporary psychedelic rock. In addition to guitar, bass and drums, there is sitar, mellotron and other instruments. On the one hand, the songs seem quite short and snappy, on the other hand, as expected, they contain many crazy parts that seem to come from a crazy wonderland. Exuberantly colorful images play out in your head. Vibravoid distance themselves from washed-out stoner rock; their sounds are clean and clear in places, but there is also distortion and a certain amount of weirdness - this creates a musical journey through a distorted world, often rather floating, but sometimes surprisingly grounded. Some sounds are dreamy and beautiful, and in places dissonances are sprinkled in (apparently intentionally). Anyone who can and/or wants to let go can experience a fascinating trip here, regardless of whether they are looking for it for it’s own sake or as a contrast to the reality of the media and the grayness of everyday life. But not just because of cheap entertainment, "Wake Up Before You Die" asks you to consciously take part. It's a shame that there are no lyrics in the booklet, after the song titles I definitely get the impression that there are statements to be found in them. Without printed lyrics there is room for your own interpretations, inspired by the scraps of words you hear, which is probably what was intended. Of course, you can also simply follow the motto "Just Let Go" and immerse yourself in the music.  Translated from: