Thursday, February 23, 2023

Vartra - Sena

 #Vartra #world music #Balkan folk #Slavic folk #ethnic fusion #dark folk #tribal drum #shamanic #music video

Vartra is a collective of musicians, dancers and craftsmen based in Belgrade, Serbia, gathered around a common goal of bringing magic and mystery to the stage through a unique blend of their skills, interests and experiences. Our music is influenced by various genres, from traditional Balkan music characterized by the merging of Slavic and oriental cultures, through a variety of traditional music styles of indigenous cultures across the world, to a more harsh, industrial and dark atmospheric sound, common for genres such as doom metal. Most of our lyrics stem from old folk incantations and mantras from the Balkan area, that are sung in Serbian and Vlach languages. Our performances are enriched by utilizing handmade drums and rattles crafted by main instrumentalist and vocalist Siniša Gavrić. These instruments are made from animal skins and foraged materials from the rivers and mountains of Serbia.

The album Basma is inspired by the remnants of the South Slavic healing practices and folklore in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The lyrics in the majority of our songs are based on folklore from these areas, leaning predominantly on fragments of the spells used for healing purposes. These spells, named basma in the said areas, are the most archaic aspect of folk medicine and their power to heal illnesses, remove curses or cast away evil spirits lies in suggestive rhythmic repetition.This album was composed and recorded in the home studio of Siniša Gavrić and Ivana Stošić.


Initially formed by Siniša Gavrić and sisters Ivana and Aleksandra Stošić, the band has extended into more of a community, brought together by an interest in world fusion music, Slavic paganism, shamanistic drumming and spirituality in general. Beside band members, integral part of the Vartra tribe are dance performers and friends dedicated to crafting costumes, accessories and stage requisites for live shows. The first debut album “Luna Nouà” was recorded at home based studio in Belgrade in 2018 and officially released on CD Baby online store in January, 2020. The band performed on multimedia arts festival Dev9t (Serbia), Exit festival (Serbia), Javorwood festival (Bosnia and Hercegovina), Elysium festival (Serbia), Lovestock festival (Croatia) and Nishville Jazz Festival (Serbia). The second album “Basma” was released in 2022 by a German publisher CPL music. “Luna nouà” was heavily focused on Vlach incantations (Eastern Serbia) while “Basma” focuses on the lyrical heritage from Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro. Their live shows are a cathartic experience, evocative of healing ceremonies and often combined with dance. Dark in a way that draws darkness out away from the spectator, Vartra’s primordial sound speaks directly to our internal rhythms and the lost ancestral wisdom that exists within all of us.  From: