Saturday, December 17, 2022

Laboratorium Piesni - U Lisi

 #Laboratorium Piesni #world music #folk music #European folk #Eastern European folk #ethnic #traditional #polyphonic chant #Slavic folk music #a capella #white voice #Polish

Laboratorium Pieśni (Song Laboratory) is a group of female singers from Poland, created in 2013. Using traditional, polyphonic singing they perform songs from all over the world: Ukraine, Balkans, Poland, Belarus, Georgia, Scandinavia and many other places. They sing a capella as well as with shaman drums and other ethnic instruments (shruti box, kalimba, flute, gong, zaphir and koshi chimes, singing bowls, rattles etc.), creating a new space in a traditional song, adding voice improvisations, inspired by sounds of nature, often intuitive, wild and feminine.  From:

There is a song that is always waiting for you. It reminds you of the simplest things. Open your heart, expand your understanding, open yourself to the primal memory of who you really are. You are the song and the song is you. Take a deep breath and release it. It will become a wild river that will fill your life, taking you to the source. This song is your life.
Our Tribe! We invite you to the world of our newest album “Hé Oyáte”, filled with polyphonic traditional songs of different cultures, as well as original intuitive compositions in dreamed up words, melodies and stories, in the rhythm of shamanic drums, nature sounds and Earth’s pulse.  From:

Author & Punisher - Night Terror

 #Author & Punisher #Tristan Shone #industrial metal #drone metal #doom metal #art metal #one man band #drone machine #dub machine

Author & Punisher is an industrial doom and drone metal one man band utilizing primarily custom fabricated machines/controllers and speakers called Drone/Dub Machines. The devices draw heavily on aspects of industrial automation, robotics and mechanical tools and devices, focusing on the eroticism of the interaction with machine.  From:

If you or I wanted to mess with the pitch of an electronic bass signal, we’d probably plug in the nearest $50.00 MIDI controller and have at it. But we are not Author & Punisher. When Tristan Shone, who has made music under that justly severe moniker since 2005, wants to mess with such a pitch, he gears two high-torque motors to a pair of throttles, giving them autopilot and force-feedback functions. When he performs, it looks like he’s trying to fly an X-Wing with a bad steering rack into the Death Star.
Though he had already issued a few albums of moody industrial music before 2010, those throttles were the first “drone machines” the San Diego-based robotics engineer with a master’s degree in sculpture designed and fabricated. Shone literalized the idea of sonic sculpture, fusing the ethereal and the physical into an industrial metal vision. This tension characterizes Shone’s cursed soundscapes, too, which rampage between rhythm and randomness, melody and mayhem, infernal depths and screaming heights.
Eight years and a half-dozen releases later, Shone has released his Relapse Records debut, Beastland. His arsenal has grown to include so many forbidding prosthetics and devices he’s like a Rube Goldberg war machine stamping out arty Godflesh songs in stainless steel, his industrial core sprouting tumors of doom, drone, noise, and, covertly, pop. Metal vocals are recessed inside demonic sub-bass, concussive percussion, and skirling frequencies. Whether simmering or exploding, these eight three-to-six-minute tracks are exercises in perpetual combustion, a burning darkness expending some unnaturally limitless fuel.
Most of Shone’s creations are not instruments, per se. Some merely capture vocals in the most ominous sense of the verb, portending torture to follow - his elephantine drone mask, his fetish-y trachea mic, his Bane-style headgear. Others control electronic sounds. His “Linear Actuator” is visually suggestive of both a railgun and a tank tread, while “Rails” looks like some cruel factory press poised to remove a machine worker’s arm. These devices are not just for show; they meaningfully shape the sounds Shone makes. Instead of being designed for ease, his controllers fight back, offering physical resistance and semi-predictable outcomes, sewing chaos instead of order.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Cellar Darling - The Prophet's Song

 #Cellar Darling #progressive metal #folk metal #folk rock #doom metal #Swiss #Queen cover

Cellar Darling are a three-piece Swiss progressive metal band from Winterthur and Lucerne, founded in 2016. The group was formed by Anna Murphy (vocals, hurdy-gurdy, flute), Merlin Sutter (drums) and Ivo Henzi (guitars and bass). Cellar Darling incorporates heavy metal, folk, classical, and progressive influences. Notably, the band uses a hurdy-gurdy and a transverse flute. The trio were previously part of the Swiss metal band Eluveitie.   From: 

We want to unleash feelings and experiences by telling stories and drawing symbols, in the way mankind has done since its existence: through legends, folk tales, theatre, drama, spirituality - and through songs. We reinvent folk tales for our age as the very essence of what they once were: stories of everyday life. We may sing about the future, we may sing about the past - for essentially, they are the same. If you come to experience our show, you will not know what to expect. If days are bright, our performance shall be bright. If they are dark, it will be dark. In any case, we will tell you stories: those you’ve missed in a world where no bed time stories are told anymore, or those which have never been told before.

Cellar Darling was formed by Anna Murphy (vocals, hurdy-gurdy), Merlin Sutter (drums) and Ivo Henzi (guitars & bass) in the summer of 2016. The trio has previously been part of the core of Switzerland's most successful metal band to date, Eluveitie, touring the world in 45+ countries on 6 continents for over a decade, and forming a bond that could overcome any adversity.
Anna, Ivo & Merlin have turned the departure from their old band into a new beginning, and have moved on to make their own music, while continuing the spirit of musical innovation they have become known for. Cellar Darling’s music is an epic, theatric combination of Ivo’s grand, heavy riffs, Merlin’s energetic drumming, and Anna’s unique, both powerful and fragile voice. Their sound is shaped by the hurdy-gurdy, with its signature folky, earthy tones, and their lyrics tell stories and tales both old and new, true to the band's stated mission: the reinvention of folk tales for our modern age as the very essence of what they once were.   


Tenebra - Moon Maiden

#Tenebra #stoner rock #psychedelic rock #blues rock #hard rock #hard psych #heavy metal #punk metal #occult rock #doom metal #noise rock #Italian

Tenebra are an Italian quartet offering Stoner and Psychedelic Blues sounds with retro references and a modern twist. Formed in October 2017, Claudio (bass), Emilio (guitar) and Mesca (drums) come from the hardcore and post-hardcore scene in Bologna, whereas vocalist Silvia is steeped in the underground rock of the ’60s and’ 70s. Together they create music that is not only the sum of their influences but pushes those influences outwards, adding odd tempo changes and nods towards Misfits, June of 44 and Love Battery into their strange brew.  From:

The city of Bologna in Italy has around 400,000 inhabitants with 150 different nationalities. In 2019, out of this melting pot rose Tenebra, who are now releasing their new album Moongazer. Their music is an instant throwback, while being securely rooted in the here and now. Mesca’s accomplished drumming is garnished by Claudio Troise’s booming bass and Emilio Toreggiani’s filthy, smoky guitar. And then, on top of this deadly but sexy sonic concoction, come raspy incantations from Silvia Fennino. Sylvia Fennino’s voice is something to behold. It’s almost an event all by itself. She sounds as if she has just finished a pack of cigarettes while drinking straight scotch and gargling gravel. All while being able to sing VERY well. I could just imagine the 3 guys having a totally different sound – until they heard Sylvia sing. Then the lightbulb went on above their heads - “Stoner Rock. Definitely Bluesy Stoner Rock!” Her singing sounds effortless, while at the same time sounding like it takes all the power she possesses to wail her siren song.
I couldn’t imagine watching this band in the modern age. Their brand of melodious noise invokes a bygone era of smoke-filled bars filled with people whose wardrobe primarily consists of leather, and have a penchant for vehicles with two wheels rather than four. You could imagine them playing a set and then hanging out backstage with the likes of Jim Morrison or Marc Bolan.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Beck - Devil's Haircut

 #Beck #alternative rock #folk rock #anti-folk #psychedelia #lo-fi #art rock #indie rock #underground rock #experimental #electronic rock #1990s

American musician Beck is a difficult artist to define. With a career that spans four decades, Beck’s music has encompassed every genre imaginable, including folk, funk, soul, hip-hop, electronic, alt-rock, country, and psychedelia. Unhindered by the expectations set upon him by previous releases, Beck has released 14 studio albums, each showcasing a distinct crevice of his creative identity.  From:

Beck himself has talked about the meaning of "Devils Haircut" on a few occasions. In one interview, he claimed that it was "a really simplistic metaphor for the evil of vanity". He said of the song: I don't know if I ever had any youthful purity, but I can understand that you might be tempted to make commercial shit and compromise to do it. I try not to compromise on anything. I think we associate becoming an adult with compromise. Maybe that's what the devil is. In "Devils Haircut", that was the scenario. I imagined Stagger Lee... I thought, what if this guy showed up now in 1996... I thought of using him as a Rumpelstiltskin figure, this Lazarus figure to comment on where we've ended up as people. What would he make of materialism and greed and ideals of beauty and perfection? His reaction would be, "Whoa, this is disturbing shit".  From:

Aman Aman - Sien Drahmas Al Dia

 #Aman Aman #world music #folk music #Sephardic music #Mediterranian music #Greek folk #Turkish folk #traditional #neo-medieval #Ladino

Aman Aman are a group of skilled world musicians and ethnomusicologists who came together to explore the traditional music of the Sephardi, the Jewish people of Spain. This mixture of Jewish heritage with Spanish language, customs, and music created a fascinating culture that is seldom recognized. With a wealth of knowledge between them (many of the band members teach music at the university level), the ensemble reproduces music from many Mediterranean countries, including Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, and Spain.  From:

We are used to hearing the Sephardic repertoire interpreted from the perspective of the world of classical musicians, with all its tics: fake voices, musicians playing with sheet music and no room for improvisation. Aman Aman prefers to approach it from the perspective of the traditional music of those countries that welcomed the Sephardim, which is, after all, the source from which they drank when they arrived from their diaspora. In some cases, we have even dared to mix the music of the Sephardim with Turkish or Greek pieces, with which they are very similar.
The sound of Aman Aman is based, as can be heard in various field recordings, on the sound of strings, winds and percussion from the Middle East, with the more "current" contribution of the cello, although played as in the modern orchestras of the Maghreb, Turkey or Egypt.
The ensemble is made up of Aziz Samsaoui (qanun), Diego López (bendir, darbuka, zarb, doira and riq), Efrén López (ud, bağlama, lavta, cümbüs and tanbur), Eleni Kallimopoulou (politiki lyra), Hristos Barbas (ney and kaval), Mara Aranda (voice and bendir) and Matthieu Saglio (cello).
In the year 1492 the Christian kings Fernando de Aragón and Isabel de Castilla decreed the expulsion or conversion of all Spanish Jews who had inhabited the peninsula since the first century AD. In a few months, more than 160,000 Jews left for the Ottoman Empire, Provence, North Africa, the Balkan states, and also Italy and the Netherlands. Diaspora Jews passed on their medieval Spanish past to their children: customs, music and language, and thus, from generation to generation, these elements were preserved to this day.
The traditional songs of the Sephardic Jews were, and continue to be, the romances in the Judeo-Spanish language (judezmo or haketía), which is currently incorrectly called “ladino”. There are no written examples of this popular music, but a large part of this wealth has come to us by oral transmission. In the interpretation of traditional Sephardic music, the female voice predominates. Men who knew Hebrew participated in the synagogal liturgy. The women generally did not know Hebrew writing and they sang in Jewish-Spanish, which is the daily language, the songs that refer to the cycle of life: birth, growth, marriage and death. The Sephardic lifestyle was merging with that of those places where they lived. And thus they integrated new melodies, rhythms, instruments, cadential formulas and ornaments to their repertoire. Also words from these new languages and any element that served the purpose of the song.
At the beginning of the 18th century, the Sephardic colonies of the western and eastern Mediterranean constituted two clearly distinct and independent cultures: that of the eastern Mediterranean (Turkey, Greece, the former Yugoslavia and Bulgaria) and that of the western Mediterranean (clearly influenced by Moroccan elements, and Spanish). Currently the Jewish community of the Spanish State is about 15,000 members. In addition, there are thousands of descendants of converted Jews who do not know their ancestry. Knowing and spreading these songs is knowing a part of the history of the place where we live and enriching our own human and cultural identity.

The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Manic Depression

 #The Jimi Hendrix Experience #hard rock #psychedelic rock #blues rock #R&B #heavy metal #British psychedelia #acid rock #1960s Mitch Mitchell #Noel Redding

There has been a lot of speculation that Hendrix had bipolar disorder based on some erratic behavior and mood swings he had. A big part of this, I think, is because he wrote a song called “manic depression” (an older term for bipolar disorder) with some assuming it was based on personal experience. My answer to this is that so far as I know Hendrix was never diagnosed with that disorder during his lifetime. I’ve never heard of him having either characteristic manic or depressive episodes, either. There are potentially other explanations for his behavior (including more mundane substance abuse). The description of “Manic depression” in his song of the same name doesn’t really correlate well with current understanding of that disorder. So my answer is that absent a contemporary psychiatric evaluation, I don’t think anyone can say for sure that he did or didn’t have bipolar disorder, but I think evidence for it is pretty thin.

I believe he did in fact suffer from Bipolar Disorder Through his lyrics, his drug/alcohol addiction, his mannerisms, the depression that he suffered from and from his clothing. Mental illnesses including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder gives away physical symptoms, such as the sufferers wearing bright colors and strange patterns. On top of that, there’s a significant loss in his weight from the time he entered the military and the time that he was discovered. This disorder makes them unable to even get out of bed to eat. Then again, this could have been caused by the lack of money he had at the time, when he was traveling in the chitlin circuit. But, his weight got even lower and according to his close friends, not the hanger-ons, they stated that he hardly ate. Another concern would be his sleeping pattern. He often said that he had trouble sleeping and that he either slept too little or slept too much. Sometimes he would go days without sleeping. There was even an incident where he was scheduled to appear on the Dick Cavett show the day after Woodstock, I believe. But, he ended up missing. It probably had something to do with exhaustion because he had to be carried back to his dressing room. Dick asked about Jimi about twice during the interview, it was poignant and kind of creepy.


The Jimi Hendrix Experience was an English-American rock band that came together in London, in 1966. Composed of singer, songwriter, and guitarist Jimi Hendrix, bassist and backing vocalist Noel Redding, and drummer Mitch Mitchell, the band was active until 1969. During this time they released three successful studio albums. After Redding left the band in mid-1969, Hendrix and Mitchell continued to work together on other projects. The Experience reunited in 1970, with Billy Cox on bass, until Hendrix's death in September. Widely recognized as hugely influential in the development of the hard rock and heavy metal music genres during the late-1960s and beyond, The Jimi Hendrix Experience was best known for the skill, style and charisma of their frontman, Hendrix, who has since been called one of the greatest guitarists of all time by various music publications and writers. In his brief four-year reign as a superstar, Jimi Hendrix expanded the vocabulary of the electric rock guitar more than anyone before or since. Hendrix was a master at coaxing all manner of unforeseen sonics from his instrument, often with innovative amplification experiments that produced astral-quality feedback and roaring distortion. His frequent hurricane blasts of noise and dazzling showmanship - he could and would play behind his back and with his teeth and set his guitar on fire - has sometimes obscured his considerable gifts as a songwriter, singer, and master of a gamut of blues, R&B, and rock styles.  From: and